Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gestational logorrhea: 27 weeks

Best baby news yet: The platelet count has gone up. Attributable to a supplement I've been taking at the midwives' recommendation, CoQ10, which is literally magical since there is no medical substantiation of its powers. But it worked, and this removes an obstacle to my using the birthing center (though many others may come up, such as if my water breaks too soon, or the moon is in the wrong phase, or any number of other things I will learn about at the birthing center class in a couple of weeks). Also, I don't have gestational diabetes, which is great to hear, since I've been eating tons of sweets.

This morning I thought of the Sylvia Plath poem, "Morning Song," and got misty-eyed thinking of having a newborn in the house once again. As I move towards third trimester enormity, it's good to know that not only my body is preparing to birth. I think my mind is finally making the necessary shift, too. I'm feeling less anxious and more anticipatory. How much of this is attributable to an imminent birth in the apartment just below ours, I can't say. But I'm grateful for the positive feelings.

Right now, I'm off to begin the slow assembly of ingredients for our Thanksgiving dinner next week (a friend asked in an email whether I wasn't eligible for a pregnancy pass that would enable me not to cook this year - um, don't think so). I'm praying that I don't dwell too much on the turkey's resemblance in size and shape to a baby. My sister-in-law had this experience with a chicken, once, and has been a vegetarian ever since. I'll just try to focus on the fact that this bird is going to get rather special treatment - tons of fresh herbs, and a porcini mushroom gravy bath.

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