Sunday, January 24, 2010

GL update, 36w4d

Bullet points:

Things are afoot - feet are, and a head, and arms.

Last night I ate a very spicy dinner, and for a while thought it might send me over the brink. It did not.
The pineapple in the fridge is beckoning (between Josh and I, we can eat a whole one), but I think it might make sense to wait until Tues night to eat it. Just in case it's not a tall old wives' tale, that it is a good labor inducer.

My pelvic floor muscles are suddenly weak, but I'm not leaking pee, so I will not complain.

We interviewed a lovely French woman to be Jonah's afternoon babysitter for a few months. She exclaimed how "mignon" he is - I could not help but agree. He further charmed her with a well-timed "bon-zhoo!"

My normally cautious kid went buck wild at a birthday party at a bouncy castle place today. Something about seeing all his little classmates having the time of their lives made him get over his fear. It made me so happy to watch him.

Off to compose a scrapbook for my mom's 70th birthday party, which was nearly 3 years ago, and it is embarrassing to me how long it has taken to finally get down to this task. Josh is out with Jonah getting some essential baby essentials from our "storage unit" in Queens. Just the mini-crib, bouncy seat, car seat, and swing. That's enough for now, baby, until you show up.

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