Four seems to be where I started remembering things, really remembering them. Not just the shirt, but what it felt like to wear it. Not just what my room looked like, but what it felt like to sit on the shaggy red carpet, surrounded by my mess, feeling at home in it. So I am assuming that Jonah is the same way, and that everything that happens from now on is going to stay with him.
Also lately I have noticed him repeating something either he or I have said, in a whisper, right after it is said. This is absolutely something I remember doing at his age, and I can't imagine he's seen me doing it (as I trained myself out of it long ago). Very trippy.
Another reason I'm feeling so connected to Jonah these days: our hair.
Oh, I so hear you on the hair.
hey, this post is short and poignant. you need to shar blog writing tips! here's to also trying to be a better reader this year.
Graci - total exhaustion leads me to be more terse. If that translates as short and poignant, so much the better!
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