Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gestational logorrhea: week 4

Here be found random thoughts on my current condition, which I'm still too much in shock to really believe... I doubt anyone is following along, but if you do, hi! and please keep this all to yourself. Thanks.

You are pregnant for two weeks before you conceive. I guess I was pregnant in my mind, with all the eating I was doing, and continue to do. Why did I think it would take more than one try this time around? After all, we weren't moving house or anything. However, this baby was conceived in a bed - how pedestrian! It is difficult for me to get after hours access to a library these days. Yes, you read that right.

I look at Jonah now and am suffused with equal parts pride (understandable) and guilt (for removing his privileged status of primogenito). He knows the book, I'm a Big Brother by heart (it was in a batch of hand-me-down books from my brother), but he has no idea it will apply to him. When quizzed about having a little brother or sister, he recites back what I've told him: "Gonna share my toys with them. Gonna teach them things." I wonder if he suspects anything.

Physical manifestations so far are limited to headaches (when I don't eat frequently enough, which is ALL THE TIME) and incredibly sharp twinges in my lower abs when I get up too quickly from bed or a chair. Eeeeeeeeasy there, big girl.

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