Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gestational logorrhea: week 15 (and preschool countdown T-2 weeks)

I'm in a cozy bubble these days, with the "quaalude trimester" (as a friend calls it) officially underway. Of course, that doesn't mean doubts about the health and well-being of the fetus don't creep in, say, a week before I'm due for a checkup. (Why am I not feeling movement? Or am I, but mistaking it for everpresent gas?) I don't have it in me to get stressed out, at least not in the proper (leaving multiple frantic voicemails for the midwife) NYC way.

My coping strategy for sending Jonah off to school so far is to keep bringing up to everyone how sad I am about it, then try not to start crying while I talk about it. I'm getting a bit better at that. But I still haven't perfected in my head the keeping a calm, happy demeanor when I drop him off, that first day. Another coping strategy: distraction via travel planning. We'll spend a week in San Francisco in October, and I'm out of my head with joy since it's one of my favorite places on earth (and because we got free tickets with some long-hoarded air miles).

But the ultimate strategy for making this transition easier is coming from Jonah himself, who seems to be as excited about starting school as he is intent on throwing multiple temper tantrums every day (mostly when his trains go off the rails), and refusing even to consider potty training. By the time Sept 8 rolls around, I may just be pushing him out the door...

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