Friday, December 4, 2009

Gestational logorrhea: 29 weeks

Getting down to brass tacks. If I sit too long, it feels like I'm sitting right on them. At this moment, I want to sleep, shower and eat simultaneously... it must be possible in some universe.

I'm just huge. Yesterday I made the bold move of laundering the only pair of jeans that fits semi-properly, and spent the rest of the day hitching up my ill-fitting pants. Thinking it might be more comfortable to ride out the rest of this pregnancy in a sari. Or naked, in bed, covers up to my eyeballs.

Our neighbors downstairs brought home their new baby boy yesterday. I went down to deliver a reciprocal lasagna (they made us one when we came home with Jonah) and saw him cozily installed in his bouncy seat, peering around like he'd always been there. Making tiny gestures with his hands. Old man head. Beautiful. I can't believe we're going to have our own soon. I'm beyond curious how their 5 year old son will adjust to big brotherhood. Jonah is dying to see the new baby, but we need to wait until his nose is less runny, lest we needlessly freak out the parents.

I thought I'd crawl back in bed after Jonah left for school, since I've got a cold that arrived before Thanksgiving and refuses to quit me. Instead I'm working the phone, trying to find a place for Jonah to go for occupational and physical therapy. We had a meeting with a rep from the Board of Education yesterday, and he was approved for an hour a week of each kind. He'll also get to work with a teacher who's already in the classroom working with another kid, on socialization skills. It sounds like a hell of a lot of therapy for a not-quite-3 year old, but I'm hoping that taking care of this early will minimize the need for it later. We've been remiss in giving him opportunities to develop himself physically - a very nice hand me down tricycle is sitting gathering dust in the basement, for example, and now it's almost too cold to take it out.

Yes, I'm looking for ways to feel guilty, instead of focusing on the fact that he's probably going to start reading in a little while. He is obsessed with signs now, spelling out every string of letters he sees and asking what it means. And this can't possibly be because our home is a sea of childrens' books.

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