Monday, December 28, 2009

Gestational logorrhea, 33 weeks

The baby is pineapple-sized, or thereabouts (with our genes, probably 1.5 pineapples). None of my clothes fit properly any longer. We're supposed to attend a gala fundraiser for Jonah's school in late January, when I will be about 38 weeks. I can't even imagine how much of a sausage stuffed in a casing I will look by then... if I haven't gone into labor already.

I'm reading Ina May Gaskin's guide to childbirth in small doses (it's by the toilet). Trying to imagine myself having an "orgasmic" birth or kissing Josh or even touching myself during labor (all things which supposedly help). My own standards are a bit lower - I want to go into this with eyes open to the possibility of pain, but also to the possibility that it might not hurt as much as I think. I want to believe I won't necessarily tear so badly this time - getting stitched up last time sure put a damper on the immediate postpartum mama-baby bonding period. And I want to have one good goddamn photo from after the birth, where my appearance does not necessarily betray the effort expended. I have to believe I'm not asking too much, wanting these things.

Lately Jonah has been driving us crazy by seemingly forgetting how to drink properly from a cup, something he mastered a long time ago but hasn't been managing very well lately. It was very instructive to suddenly realize yesterday that his high chair isn't high enough, and as a result he isn't able to see the level of liquid in the cup, so he tilts it as he lifts it up, and thus winds up spilling down his front. Thanks to the magic of Craigslist, we now have a fancy Danish high chair that is a much better fit and height for him, in great condition, matches our dining table, and was obtained for almost $100 off the asking price of a new one. Lugged home tonight on the subway by Saint Josh. Would that all parenting problems were so easily solved! And we'll easily save another $100 in paper towels since we won't have so many messes to mop up.

Jonah is on vacation from school, and while I dreaded today, thinking I'd lost my ability to cope with him for an entire day, we actually had a ball. Helps that he woke up at a reasonable hour this morning (and came into our room to tell me a secret [that he loves me]), that the house is overrun with new toys and books he isn't burned out on yet, and that we went to the library, where we got reacquainted with our various librarian friends, and the escalators and elevators. Oh, and we had leftover pizza for lunch. The rest of this short week could be a breeze if it goes this well... but pray for me anyway.

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