Monday, September 13, 2010


All it took was for September to hit. Now I am officially, irrevocably tied to the kids' schedules. Yes, even Abey has one, now that he's taking a class. His first Music Together session was today, at just shy of 7 months. He was pretty sleepy before we got there, but his wide eyes grew even wider when he saw what was waiting for him: enormous drums to bang on (I sat him in front of one and he went at it full tilt), songs, dancing, and OTHER BABIES! Poor kid, I had no idea how starved he was for a peer group. The baby who sat closest to us looked like someone had stuffed a dumpling into infant-sized skinny jeans (why? WHY???). Abe was looking everywhere and loving every moment. He even forgot to nurse the entire time!

Jonah came out of school today eager to tell me all about it. But wait! After a marathon day at school, I dragged him to a trial of a class called "Sing, Dance, and Make Believe." And he loved it. And he could tell me the names of the boys in the class, because there were a grand total of three. I went ahead and registered him anyway - how is he to know that boys aren't supposed to sing and dance? I hope he never figures that one out.

I'm starting to hear more and more about school lately, and starting to suspect not all of it is invented out of whole cloth. The class started studying the story of Jonah today (in time for Yom Kippur). I was reminded of the Yom Kippur before Jonah was born, when I, ignorant of what kind of baby I'd have, read the story of Jonah in the afternoon and somewhere deep in my unconscious mind decided that I'd be having a boy. And what a boy - a sweet, headstrong, impossible, irrepressible boy.

I had another flare-up of anger at Jonah over the weekend, enough to remind me that of all times of year, this is the one to really take stock of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it, and to make necessary changes, instead of resting on the excuses that circumstance provides at any given moment. Jonah deserves better.

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