Friday, November 5, 2010

Warming trend

The sun has broken through!

Jonah up at 5:40 today, saying Abe woke him up (well, he was crying, that is true). But strangely, it was a good morning. I tried to get Jonah to sleep more in my bed, and while the snuggle was welcome, he couldn't stop looking out the window. I released him to join Daddy and Abe. When I stumbled in at 7:15, I found a placid scene. Later, Jonah even dressed himself without my needing to be in the room. He was so proud when he came out, fully dressed, with only his shirt on backwards.

Yesterday at school he earned all four stickers on his rest time sticker chart, making me very proud of him indeed. I am starting to believe rest time makes him anxious, though, and it turns out about 80% of the class isn't actually resting, so I hope the teachers are going to make a change to the routine soon.

I'm sure that his name being called at the end of rest time is all he can think about, on his folding cot, in that penumbral classroom. I wish I could magically insinuate myself into the room, enfold him in my arms, and let him surrender to his exhaustion. But then, who am I kidding? I couldn't do that this morning, when it was actually me there, in bed, trying to get him to sleep. No, he is going to have to ride this one out himself.


Christina said...

Fuckin' rest time.

Deborah said...

I know, right? Fuckin' preschool.