Wednesday, February 6, 2008

at last.

It took a lot of attempts to find a title for this blog. The vast majority of the blog titles I tried were for attempts that seem to have been aborted before they actually existed. The best of the squatters I found was this one: One post, and one comment asking whether the name could possibly be freed up for another "lover of Mike."

I finally settled on a line that Mr. Johnson, the zookeeper responsible for the care and feeding of the seals, says in
Sammy the Seal, just before the protagonist sets off on his Great Quest. I have adopted this line to signal to my son that mealtime/snacktime is over, so I say it a minimum of five times a day. I have taken the liberty of giving Mr. Johnson the voice of Mr. Moviefone.

This blog's title is a reinforcement of a lifetime of promising fits and starts followed by woeful underachievement - that lifetime being, of course, my own. So, there may be posts like this one, or just phrases, or maybe just random photos. Or perhaps there will be just this one post and none to follow it, and if that occurs, please know that it was intentional and that I'm
not fucking blog-squatting.

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