Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There is some there there

The election can pretty much be summed up by this. I don't need any further commentary.

J is 14 months old today and decided this would be the perfect day to morph into a toddler: mood swings, unpredictable appetite, throwing every single piece of macaroni from his high chair when we were out to lunch (the same macaroni he'd eaten with gusto last night for dinner). He is changing so rapidly that I think even his face changes from the morning to the evening. His diapers' contents smell worse and worse with each passing day.

I just watched this video of the mistreatment of cows at a slaughterhouse. I am a lifelong carnivore, and have never before considered the source of the beef that I'm eating. I don't think I can continue to ignore that in good conscience. I'm not going to give up eating beef, but I am planning to scale back my consumption to meat from reliably humane sources. Of course, I don't even know what that means... must do some research. A few years ago I switched to free-range chicken, so hopefully there are similar options for beef? (All pricey, to be sure, so we won't be having steak nearly as often as we have been.)

Finally, one of my all-time favorite sites on the WWW (which I discovered back when folks still used that charming acronym) is back! For all of your agricultural clip art needs. I think I like the descriptions of the simple/naive/pixellated clip art perhaps more than the clip art itself. The notion of someone sitting at a desk all day and coming up with captions for some of these bizarro images is very satisfying.

I present to you: Man pushing a cart which has pigs in it.

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