Tuesday, February 26, 2008

North by northwest

The baby didn't sleep much yesterday. But was a trouper about it. (Or is that a trooper? A member of an ensemble, or a military dude?) He's catching up today. And so am I, here.

Yesterday morning it seemed that the day would flatten me, like a crop-dusting plane gone haywire. There were people to be "managed," errands both self- and super-imposed, a snow-covered car to
be moved - twice - for street cleaning, and not enough hours in which to cram everything. But it turned out to be a beautifully choreographed series of interactions and coincidences, including a pseudo-karmic exchange in which I loaned my snow brush to a guy trying to clean his car so he could exit the very spot I needed. Also, I had extracurricular caffeine at lunchtime, in the form of a Thai iced tea, and it blew my mind how effective a coping strategy that was, in the face of a sleepless baby. Instead of shrinking internally at his refusal to nap, or even cursing externally (and ill-advisedly, given his rapid pace of language acquisition), I merely shrugged (which should have hurt, given all that I did at the gym yesterday with my trainer) and bundled him up and took him out to play. Also I eked out a few non-prose words about the placenta, and read them aloud to J in the evening, and found to my surprise they did not completely suck.

The moral of this non-story? Some extra caffeine during the day may not hurt.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Coffee is almost without exception a very, very good thing. Welcome to the wonderful, if incredibly self-indulgent, world of blogging!