Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maternal aphasia: Week Seven

Spring has hit hard. It's upwards of 85 degrees out there, sunny, the playgrounds are begging for sprinklers to be turned on. We hit the botanical gardens this morning, my boys and I. Some friends joined us but soon bailed out due to crankiness and the strength of the sun. I should be running in fear of my life from this sun and heat, but it seems like a brand new invention. Having a small baby strapped to me is not so comfortable in the heat, however - we both got home soaked. The search for a double stroller kicks into high gear starting now.

But on the way home I was overcome by the heat and my exhaustion, and made a panicked call to Josh who I thought could bail me out, Wednesdays being generally a less structured day for him. But a client called with an emergency, so he had to rush out. I felt totally bereft, all of a sudden. Then Jonah wanted to get out of the stroller and splash in the wake of a fountain in front of the museum, despite his sleepiness. I told him no, that we needed to get home, and he bawled for a few minutes. Then asked for an Italian ice, a red one, which I bought him, despite the fact that I knew he wouldn't touch it. I ate the ice, undoubtedly getting my lips and tongue day-glo red and looking to passersby like a pretty mean mom, for eating an ice while my stroller-bound child had none. Luckily Josh was still home when we got back, and helped me bump the stroller up the steps. Jonah sleeps there still, over an hour later, and I'm enjoying the breeze through the living room window and Abe's playmat noises.

The temporary panic was induced by the fact that tomorrow is seven weeks since I gave birth, and I continue to bleed. I have been warned not to exert myself; I do not know how to avoid it. Can one continually tell a 3 year old he can't go in the swing at the playground, because Mama is holding his baby brother and because he's too long to lift that high? So I cave, and lift, and then I bleed again. Tomorrow is my postpartum checkup, and I'm fully expecting to be sternly warned about exertions I can do little to avoid...

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