Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gestational logorrhea, 1-2 cm dilation

38 weeks, 1-2cm dilated, cervix is "paper thin" (which upon Googling I discovered means "100% effaced"). I haven't yet had any contractions, not the walloping kind I remember from my very quick active labor last time. I do get tight feelings across my belly, and I suppose I'm supposed to register those as something, and I do feel the baby moving a lot, but it doesn't quite feel like the burrowing down that happened last time. Again I find myself in the position of not being able to trust my body. Except perhaps I can trust my intuition, because before my internal exam yesterday I had thought I was probably dilated 1-2cm. Indeed I was.

Mom will not need surgery on her hand after all - just a removable cast for 3 weeks. Thank GOD. This means that if she comes up when the baby arrives, with my dad, the two of them combined will actually be helpful. At least that is how I am idealizing it...

Now that I know I'm a ticking time bomb everything I need to do while Josh is away at work fills me with dread. What if I suddenly go into active labor as I'm picking Jonah up from school? Or in the car on the way to his OT appointment? I guess that's why I've got my chart in an envelope to tote around.

The City of New York needs to be notified about the impending birth - just got called for jury duty, two days after my due date. Nice juxtaposition of the primal/natural with the official, worthy of a nonfiction novel. Last time, that juxtaposition came in the form of a letter from the insurance company which we received a few days after Jonah was born. They were kindly letting us know that they had authorized a vaginal birth. How smart of them, as that is just what we had. I've saved that for Jonah's scrapbook (if I ever get around to putting it together).

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