Monday, February 15, 2010

Gestational logorrhea: So close, yet so far

I don't think I can stand the TV on. We rarely if ever have it on, but tonight Josh wanted to watch some Olympics action. And we saw a preview for this Thursday's episode of The Office. Which is the only show we watch. Pam is scheduled to have her baby Thurs night. And my second official due date is Thursday. I have got to have this baby before someone on TV has hers. Got that, baby?

Also I need to have this baby before I sustain any other injuries. I have a chemical burn on top of my left foot from some misplaced "callus eliminator" that the woman used while giving me a pedicure on Saturday. Sunday night, I gashed my right middle finger with the food processor blade. Clearly, I need to lie low and stay away from sharp objects and beauty rituals. Which means I should probably be treating myself like a newborn baby. Milk, burp, and nap.

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