Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gestational logorrhea: 3cm and going in

At today's checkup I was 3 cm dilated. That's progress of 1 measly cm from last week. Which I'm sure would be fine for some, but I was much further along last time at this point. Still, the baby is pretty low - in fact the midwife felt the head when she did my internal exam, and I felt the baby recoil when she touched it. Some natural induction techniques were applied (membrane sweep, evening primrose oil) and I've had a few contractions this afternoon. After talking with the midwife this afternoon, we've decided to go to the birthing center this evening to see if things can get going for real. I'm looking forward to getting to use the facilities there (jacuzzi tub, king size bed to loll & labor in) and very much looking forward to meeting this kid at last. Wish me luck, phantom readers.

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