Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gestational logorrhea: Where's the freakin' baby?!

It has dropped. It's "locking and loading" in my pelvis. Somehow I'm still sleeping all night, which is kind of remarkable considering how compressed my bladder must be. I wake up dehydrated when little feet patter in from the next room. Jonah wakes between 6 and 6:30 regardless of when he's gone to bed, comes in to our room and rests his head on the bed, waiting to be petted like a pup. This morning I hoisted him up on the bed and he started whimpering - that wasn't part of the plan! The plan is he says good morning, then runs into the living room and starts calling for Daddy. He has figured out how the new dimmer switches work, so at least he's not playing in the dark now.

Each time I drive Jonah to his physical or occupational therapy appointment, I think it will be the last time before the baby comes. How wrong I am. The baby dropping has made parking the car a little bit easier, I've noticed. Yesterday I took Jonah on an outing to two favorite places - the car wash (I sprung for an interior vacuum, and the guys found this awesome digger truck that I had never seen before, apparently lost under the seats), and Fairway, where we got sweets and then watched the Statue of Liberty and the ferries from the pier until we were freezing. Then we went in and chatted with the fish guys. It made me feel so normal. It made Jonah feel so normal. It was nice to have that feeling, briefly, before everything goes to hell. I mean, before the baby comes. Baby, I don't mean you're going to make our lives hell. But you are.

I am so tired of people saying to me, "You're STILL here?" I'm tired of being asked how I feel. You really want to know? It's getting impossible to find a position to stand in when I shower that doesn't make me double over with hip pain. I'm gassy beyond belief. This morning after sitting on the floor helping Jonah with a jigsaw puzzle for 10 minutes I was seething with impatience and rage, and finally realized how uncomfortable it was to sit on the floor. Then I needed Josh's help to stand up. (Now, aren't you glad you asked?)

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